Tuesday 20 November 2012

Site Value Tax Scoop.it Site

I curate a Scoop.it site on the topic of 'Site Value Tax'.  The site covers the more common term 'Land Value Tax'.  There is renewed interest in land issues around the world in the context of inequality and of protection of the environment and recently food scarcity.  Land value tax (LVT) as a major reform idea got a new lease of life with the Green movement.  It is seen by environmentalists as a vital part of Environmental Tax Reform (ETR) - of taxing bads not goods.  Site/land value tax is also part of the new 'commons' movement agenda which demands that natural resources and social resources, which are essential for life, should be declared a special kind of property - commons property - and treated differently to private property or public property.  Thirdly, site/land value taxation as a policy option has been given a new lease of life as part of the critical examination of unsustainable debt crisis.  Site/land value tax is one of the recommended measures to prevent a property asset bubble and crash ever happening again, along with reform of the money system and better bank regulation. 

Here is a link to the site.  Site Value Tax    http://www.scoop.it/t/land-site-value-tax.  Enjoy!

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